This may not be a schoolarly place

but it might offer some insights

goldfish in a bowl waiting for the weekend

(if your attention span exceeds that of a goldfish)

Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote
And bathed every veyne in swich licour,
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;

canterbury tales travellers at the table

No, no, no! We will not be reciting Chaucer today.

Rather, let us venture elsewhere into other realms:
the wondrous worlds of words & music, song & dance;
up-talk, news-speak, virtue-signalling and other varieties of techno-babble;
banksters, barristers, big pharma and similar criminal enterprises;
corporatocracy, kakistocracy, pathocracy and other forms of gangster-governance;
modern sorcery, the Science™ and more.

Injected of course with a healthy dose of satire and sarcasm.

I am, after all, a heretic at heart.
And a randomologist.

[heretic = one who questions; a chooser]
[randomologist = “no results found”]

Now, if the Big Question Is:
“What’s It All About?”

Perhaps We Should First Answer an Even Bigger Question:

 >>> What Is “IT” <<<

When We Say:
“It’s Raining” or “It’s Cold Outside” or “It’s About Time”
What Is the “It” to which We Are Referring?

[ Pssst: The Answer Is “42.” ]

Ah, Sweet Language
The Alcatraz We Carry Around Our Necks

(I think he meant to say “Albatross,” but what do I know?)
(And no, we won’t be reading Coleridge, either.)

Ah, yes, language, sweet language ~
so often misused, abused, twisted and misconstrued ~
remains firmly perched at the top of my list of favorite pet peeves.

Something Seems Seriously Amiss in This,
Our Very Own Theatre of the Absurd.

Methinks Atlas Still Shrugs.

So We Remain Standing at the Foot of the Mountain
Like Sisyphus Looking Upward

Fearlessly Facing Our Collective Cognitive Dissonance
One Lie at a Time

Thankfully, We Still Have Free S***ch

A Handful of Favorite Clips:

  • Winn Dixie the Dog Dave Matthews Scene from “Because of Winn Dixie” - A soulful sad story and a beautiful short song combine in a touching scene from the movie "Because of Winn Dixie." Wonderfully understated performance by Dave Matthews. And of course, the dog ~ Winn Dixie ~ listens intently.
  • MI Homestead Featured Image 01a Michigan Homestead Photos - A real estate photo album from the 1930s showcases the house and property where I was born and raised. These photos were taken prior to my parents having purchased the property.
  • Zehnle Family Movies - A compilation of literally dozens ~ perhaps 60 or more ~ very old and brittle reels of 8mm and 16mm film, mis-sorted into the mailing boxes that were used when sending the undeveloped film to the processing facilities.