Antique Woodworking ToolsBy markz / Ramblings of a Crotchety Old Man / Published: August 13, 2013Last Modified: April 17, 2024 Antique Tool Box with “Stuff” InsideI know next to nothing about antiques, or tools, especially antique tools.Thankfully, however, my neighbor does! My neighbor, let’s call him Mike (because that’s his name), inherited this toolbox.It came from a family member in Michigan, and contained quite an assortment of old tools.I’m gonna take a wild-ass guess and assume it’s kind of heavy, too.We took pictures of some of the more noteworthy specimens.Not all contents are individually photographed, but you can get an idea of the contents, both in and underneath the three removable shelf-trays.The wooden block planes are marked “M.Greenwood” (Cayuga, NY if I recall correctly), and “Hall & Case” (Columbus, OH).Did I mention that I think it may be quite heavy? I really, really tried to get a glare-free, in-focus shot of the tag on the trunk. It just wasn’t meant to be done in one shot. Anyway, on to the contents …Let the Treasure Hunt Begin The trunk had three levels — the bottom, and two stacked shelves resting above it. Need any Block Planers?Just Askin’ … Now, let’s move on to some obscure, perhaps dangerous, implements.Ooooh, Torture Chamber Time … And no mountain cabin work shed would be complete without some antlers on the walls, right? Is This an Old Ice Chest / Display Case? Cool Stuff, Eh?They just don’t make things like they used to.I’ll bet it’s kinda heavy, though.