Criminals Prefer Defenseless Victims

man drawing gun from holster against knife-wielding attacker

Since Criminals Prefer Defenseless Victims,
It Makes Sense to Learn How NOT to be Defenseless

Some Sobering Statistics

Each year, 400 out of every 100,000 people are the defenseless victims of a violent crime. That’s a 4 in 1000 probability. Every year.

Statistically, your chances of being involved in a violent encounter are about 1 in 250. If you know 250 people (and most of us do), one of you is likely to be the victim of a violent crime this year. Victims of stalkers are even more prevalent: 1 in 100.

Each year, legally armed citizens use defensive weapons to prevent between 800,000 and 2.5 million violent crimes from happening.

You won’t often see these stories that feature NON- Defenseless Victims (who actually fought back) on the evening news: there’s not enough tragedy or drama to bother with reporting. They are “non-stories” to the mainstream media. (Hmmm, even the media seems to prefer defenseless victims!)

But to the survivors of the attack, these are the real-life stories of their survival!

Some Good News

The good new is, violent crime is on the decline, and has been going down for 15 years or more. (And this was written in 2013 … )

That is not not because cops have gotten better … or that criminals have gotten religion. It’s because more and more people have made the decision to be responsible for their own personal protection.

In the last few years, handgun sales have skyrocketed. Nearly every State in the Union now has a form of legalized concealed carry, and more CCW permits have been issued than ever before. Sales of stun-guns and pepper-spray are at an all-time high.

Criminals despise this. They abhor an armed citizenry. They detest people who are alert and aware of their surroundings. They don’t like being noticed, and they can’t stand the possibility that one of their intended victims might just fight back. And win.

When Seconds Count and Help Is Minutes Away

man drawing gun from holster against knife-wielding attacker

The Right Gear & Training Might Just Save Your Life

‘Chances Are’ This Will Never Happen to You

You’ll probably never find yourself face-to-face with an armed attacker who is intent on doing you harm.

But If It Ever Does

That is not the time to be thinking: “I can’t believe this is happening, and I don’t know what to do.”

Now Is the Time

For you, your family and your loved ones to get the tools and the training that you can use to survive a deadly encounter.

Be Prepared ~ Have A Plan

Your Life Could Depend On It

Refuse to Be a Victim!

Here are a few statistics, to give you a perspective:

Every year, on average in the U.S., some of the risks you face include:

HOUSE FIRES: 362,100 Fires; 13,275 injuries, and over 2,500 deaths. (900 house fires were caused by misuse of those pesky turkey fryers, accounting for five deaths and sixty injuries.)

TORNADOES: Averages 60 fatalities per year.

HURRICANES: 16 fatalities per year.

FLOODS: 127 fatalities per year.

DROWNING: 3,533 fatal drownings (unintentional) — about ten deaths per day.

SNAKE BITE: About 7-8,000 snake bites are reported per year, resulting in 5 to 6 fatalities.

BUCKETS: 20 children drown in buckets every year.

LADDER FALLS: 300 fatalities; 100,000 injuries.

LIGHTNING: 360 strikes; 40 fatalities.

LOTTERY WINNERS: Every year, 1500 people win at least $1 Million. That’s three or four million-dollar winners every day. Play More.

TRAIN CRASHES: 5,800 vehicle-train crashes each year; 600 deaths; 2300 injuries.

MOTOR VEHICLES: 10.8 million vehicle crashes, 35,000 fatalities.


1.2 Million Violent Crimes in 2010.
That is over 3400 per day.

Those violent crimes include:
14,748 Murders
84,767 Rapes
367,832 Robberies
778,901 Aggravated Assaults


3.4 Million Victims of Stalkers.
That’s about 1% of our population.

Additionally, there were over Two Million Burglaries reported in 2010. (2,159,878). Burglaries are not considered ‘violent crimes’ because a burglary occurs when no one is home, unlike a robbery which happens directly to a person.

These sobering statistics mean that your chances of being the victim of a violent crime are greater than you may think.

About 400 out of every 100,000 people will be involved in a violent crime each year. That’s a 4 in 1000 probability. Every Year.

If you know 250 people (and most of us do), one of you is likely to be the victim of a violent crime this year. That’s a 1 in 250 chance.

Victims of Stalkers are even more prevalent: about 1 in 100.

Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs)

Each year, legally armed citizens use their weapon to PREVENT between 800,000 and 2.5 million violent crimes from happening.

This does not mean that shots are always fired. Sometimes simply presenting a gun will ward off an attacker, making him think twice about his choice of potential victim.

Because many Defensive Gun Uses go unreported, these figures are estimates based on studies taken over the last few decades. The range is broad, and the actual number of annual DGUs will fall between the low number (reported incidents) and the higher estimation. Even if the lower number is accurate, the figures are enlightening.

These Statistics Are Real And The Evidence Is Clear:

Criminals Prefer Defenseless Victims.

Bad Guys Detest Armed Citizens –
We Make Their Jobs So Much Harder!

Be Prepared ~ Have A Plan

Refuse to Be a Victim!

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