Carport Support Posts

Carport Escapades

Here’s what we found after taking a closer look at why the carport support posts looked a bit odd.

I’ve heard a couple different back-stories about how the denting/bending may have occurred. But I’ve not been able to verify anything as yet. So we’ll leave hearsay to the neighbors (they’re better at it than I am) and wait for further verifiable evidence.

Finding the Carport Support Posts Just a Bit Off-Kilter

And here is some footage of the replacement process, and a closer look at the anatomy of a rusted steel pipe, and how it really loves to bind to concrete!

Fixing the Afore-Mentioned A-Kimbo Support Posts

And here are the replacement posts, in action!

Hopefully, their ‘action’ is have no action at all, but to simply stay put …

Replacement Carport Posts

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