Backyard Fence Post Repair

More Fun on a Cold Day in the Back Yard

Backyard Fence Posts

A couple of the fence posts were a bit loose and somewhat wobbly.

The attached fence panels were not completely upright, nor straight, nor plumb.

So, Let’s Fix ‘Er Up

Backyard Fence Post Repair

We did the best we could with the tools and resources available.

All in all, it’s a huge improvement.

I’ve just never seen wood and concrete used together like this. (Actually, I have seen it … but I wouldn’t consider it a best practice.)

Apparently, however, in Idaho it’s common to just pour concrete around the wood post. So we did.

Backyard Fence Posts Fixed

Backyard Fence After Repair

Just some strange anomalies I noticed in my forensic examination of the old concrete forms …

After this project, I did mention to David that inasmuch as I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up, I’m pretty darn sure that concrete work is not in the top five of my preferred career choices.

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